Your wellbeing & ours continues to our top priority.
We continue to undertake comprehensive risk assessments and update our health and safety protocols to ensure the safety of all us.
We will continue to review the protocols we have in place and ensure they are in line with the latest guidelines provided by the UK Government.
Saltergate Yoga is a sole trading name of Lauren Clarke
Our website address is: http://saltergateyoga.co.uk.
Data controller/processors: Bailey Clarke, Lauren Clarke, Colin Clarke
Saltergate Yoga takes our student security and privacy very seriously.
We do not share any information with third parties, nor do we collect or retain any information other than that necessary for us to provide our services to you.
We collect the following types of information about you:
Your name, contact telephone number and email address.
This data is collected in order to communicate with our students to send confirmations and reminders, refunds and cancellations.
Any data will not be passed on to any third party.
Information collected will be stored securely and securely destroyed if it is no longer required by Saltergate Yoga and will be removed from our system 6 months after your last visit.
We do not share any information with unrelated third parties nor do we collect or retain any information other than as required for the provision of our services.
Medical Screenings
In order to safeguard the health of our students, any personal information gathered is strictly confidential and is used solely to inform our teachers of any medical conditions.
Saltergate Yoga uses third party software to manage class and workshop bookings.
In order to be able to use these functions you are required to register with their online system.
Once registered, you can modify your personal information or delete your account
Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy or information we hold about you:
By email saltergateyoga@gmail.com
Or write to:
Lauren Clarke - Data Controller
81a Saltergate Yoga
The individual has the right to complain if they consider there’s a problem with the way their data is handled
& entitled to request to be removed from any mailing list or to request a copy of their personal data held, to have incorrect data amended, or to ask for their data to be deleted from records.